Law of Nations and Britain's Quest for Naval Security

Law of Nations and Britain's Quest for Naval Security

International Law and Arms Control, 1898-1914

Keefer, Scott Andrew

Springer International Publishing AG






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction.- Chapter 1 Arms Control Antecedents in the Nineteenth Century.- Armaments Competition and National Interest in the Nineteenth Century.- The Anglo-French Naval Declarations of 1787.- Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817.- Black Sea Neutralization of 1856.- St. Petersburg Declaration of 1868 - "Explosive Missals".- Customary Limits on Armaments.- International Law and Security in the Nineteenth Century.- Conclusion.- Chapter 2 International Law in the Nineteenth Century.- The Declaration of London 1871.- The Context of International Law.- Scholars and Official Law.- Sources of Law and Non-binding Agreements.- The Function of International Law: "An Obstacle though not a Barrier".- Law's Function in Increasing Predictability.- Law's Function in Communicating Vital Interests.- Law's Function in Strengthening Mutual Interests.- Enforcement of Legal Obligations and Expectations of War.- Legal Enforcement and International Order.- Conclusion.- Chapter 3 The First Hague Peace Conference.- Introduction.- International Law and General Disarmament.- Calling of the Hague Conference of 1899.- British Preparation for the Hague Conference.- British Naval Armament Limitation Offer to Russia.- Great Britain and Disarmament at The Hague.- Land Armaments at The Hague.- General Limitation Debates at The Hague.- Naval Armaments at The Hague.- Armaments Declarations at The Hague.- Conclusion.- Chapter 4 Naval Arms Control and Regional Negotiations: Precedents, Issues, and Implications.- Argentine-Chilean Naval Arms Race.- The Pacts of May.- The Pacts of May and Regional Competition.- Revision of the Rush-Bagot Agreement.- Naval Arms Control in the New Century: Precedents and Implications.- Conclusion.- Chapter 5 Preparations for the Second Hague Peace Conference.- Introduction.- The Russo-Japanese War and the Hague Agenda.- Diplomacy Prior to the Second Hague Peace Conference.- The Walton Committee and the Hague Agenda.- The Walton Committee and Naval Armaments.- Conclusion.- Chapter 6 The Second Hague Peace Conference.- Introduction.- The Second Hague Peace Conference Proceedings.- The Arms Limitation Resolution.- Balloons and Aerial Bombardment.- Submarine Mines.- Conversion of Merchant Ships into Warships.- Conclusion.- Chapter 7 International Law and Armaments, 1900-1914.- Introduction.- International Law and Popular Perception of Arms Limitation up to 1907.- Scholars and the International Law of Arms Limitation, 1900-1914.- The London Conference of 1908-1909.- Aerial Warfare and Preparations for the Third Hague Peace Conference.- Conclusion.- Chapter 8 The Dreadnought Competition and Arms Control up to 1914.- Introduction.- Anglo-German Naval Arms Negotiations 1908-1914.- Global Naval Arms Competition and International Law.- Exchange of Information Negotiations.- The Naval Holiday and Informal Arms Control.- Conclusion.- Bibliography.
Military history;First World War;Legal history;Global history;Diplomatic history