Civilian Internment during the First World War

Civilian Internment during the First World War

A European and Global History, 1914-1920

Stibbe, Matthew

Palgrave Macmillan






15 a 20 dias


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2. First World War Internment across the Globe

Germans and Austro-Hungarians

The German and Habsburg Empires' Response

Ottoman Turkey, Bulgaria and the Balkans

3. Internment and War Governance in the First World War France




War Governance, Camps and the Turkish Genocide against the

Ottoman Armenians, 1915-16

4. Imagining Internment: International Law, Social Order and National Community

International Law and Perceptions of the 'Other': the view of officials Reprisals and Punishments Internment and Social Control

Internment and ideas about 'National Community'

5.Internment and International Activism: The Search for More Humane Alternatives

Pre-War Precedents: Emily Hobhouse and the South African Camps

The Auskunfts- und Hilfsstelle fuer Deutsche im Ausland und Auslaender in Deutschland

The Auskunfts- und Hilfsstelle and the ICRC

Neutral Internment in Switzerland and the Netherlands

Barbed-Wire Disease and the 'Medicalisation' of Internment

6.(Not) Ending Internment: The Years 1918-20

Wartime Civilian Captivity in Russia from Tsar Nicholas II to Lenin

Germany and Austria-Hungary

Imperial Britain and its Allies in Africa, Asia and the Atlantic Ocean

France, Italy and the 'Little Entente' (Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia)

The 'Red Scare': the Americas

7. Conclusion and Epilogue
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European History;Civilian Internment;First World War;History of Military;Barbed Wire Disease